An aligned combination of hardware and software results in an integrated system, which enables partners to develop their own material.
CyBe Chysel
The 3D printers are standardly provided with CyBe Chysel software. Chysel is ‘slicing’ software used by 3D printing architects to generate a toolpath from digital 3Dmodels. Within Chysel, you have access to variables relevant for your personalized printing strategy. Some examples of what can be given as input are layer width, layer height and the printing speed.
Chysel is unique in its own way. It keeps track of already printed objects and ensures that the 3D printer will not collide with these objects. This also makes the 6-axis robots ideal for printing. Additionally, our various software tools and 3D print features reduce the risk of tool and workpiece damage dramatically, making this a highly reliable and safe 3D printing technology for construction.

CyBe Artysan
Based on the generated toolpath code by Chysel, the standard provided CyBe Artysan software is used to control the 3D printer. The setup of Artysan is based on the third phase of the print process (pre-print, printing & post print), making 3D printing in construction rather easy for any 3D print operator. Moreover, Artysan is used for service and support, as well as keeping track of 3D print statistics.
Parametric tools
To aid the 3D print architect in and speed up the design process, we make use of a plethora of software tools. The ability to parametrically design, allows us to create over 400.000 vastly different shapes, forms, and iterations. Applying this knowledge, we are also able to put in certain data to come up with optimized designs based on human behavioural patterns to map out your perfect future house, in terms of the layout as well as the measurements. In our perception, parametric and procedural tools have a very big future. For this reason, we are constantly developing and testing them. We are actively working to enable these tools for public use in the future.