Lampshades & Planters — CyBe Construction Skip to main content
Le Smash, Netherlands

3D Printed Lampshades & Planters

For burger place Le Smash, we printed over 50 lampshades and planters - all of which were completed in just two prints.

Project details

  • Our jobPartner, co-design, print job
  • TypeCyBe RC (Robot Crawler), off-site
  • Parcel sizen/a
  • Printing time2.5 hours
  • Start of projectJune 2024

After the success of their first location, burger place Le Smash decided to open three additional restaurants. To achieve the rustic, authentic look they were aiming for, Le Smash recruited us to make over 50 3d printed planters & lampshades for their newly opened locations.

Printing 50 elements

The challenge

To print over 50 smaller elements, our biggest challenge was ensuring all planters and lampshades could be printed in as few print jobs as possible. By carefully optimizing the models and their placement, we were able to fit everything into just two prints, with one of them containing an impressive 31 elements in a single sequence! Additionally, since our printers are designed for building larger structures like 3D printed homes, we had to adjust our usual workflow. The smaller toolpaths required the material to set faster than it would, for instance, when printing walls. To address this, we leveraged our technology’s ability to control variables like printing speed, water pressure, and the addition of a retarder. With all material variation options combined, our technology supports 4K printing, allowing us to supplement an additional four components. This 4K system in combination with our experience in 3D models allowed us to print the designs smoothly and efficiently. The elements were printed with the CyBe RC in our facility and later moved to their respective locations across the Netherlands.

3d printed lampshades and planters
3d printed planter
Robust & Industrial

The design

Le Smash decided on a robust, industrial look for their new locations, with 3D concrete printed planters and lampshades serving as the finishing touches. Together with the designers at Carbon Studio, and Le Smash’s project manager and interior developer, PRJCT WRKS & PRDCT WRKS, we got to work designing models that would enhance the desired look. For the planters, we were able to use models from our 3D Model Library as a foundation, drawing on the many planters we’ve designed for clients and training sessions. The lampshades were new for us too, but they turned out great as well!

Anything is possible!

The takeaways

By enabling control over printing variables such as speed, retarder, and water, our technology allows you to print virtually any concrete application, big or small. Additionally, with careful design planning, you can print over 30 elements in a single job, depending on their size, of course. In this way, our in-house-developed hardware, software, and materials offer faster, more affordable, and more sustainable building solutions for all concrete applications.

Le Smash 3D printed lampshades
The CyBe RC
Versatile & Efficient

The CyBe RC

The planters and lampshades were printed with our CyBe RC (Robot Crawler). This mobile 3D printer, leveraging its caterpillar tracks, can transport to virtually any location in any terrain. This way, it can be used for efficient on-site and off-site printing by easily moving your printer around your print site. With its superior print speed and performance, high-quality print strength and adhesion, and exceptional range, the CyBe RC is among the most efficient 3D concrete printers in the world.

Learn more about the CyBe RC!

Aftermovie Le Smash