3D Concrete Printing in the UK
3D concrete printing is the future of affordable construction in the UK. On this page, you’ll find everything about 3D printed houses in the UK, 3D concrete printers for sale in the UK, and how to become a successful 3D concrete printing company. Are you ready to join this innovative revolution in the UK construction landscape? Reach out to us today to find out how you can become a successful 3D construction company!
3D Printed Homes in the UK
After its introduction to the construction market, 3D concrete printing has quickly grown to become a revolutionary building method with a global impact. Among the countries to quickly adopt this innovative approach to affordable housing is also the UK. 3D printed homes in the UK are not as uncommon as they used to be, and even large-scale construction developers are choosing affordable and sustainable construction using 3D concrete printing in the UK. With this increasing number of 3D printed houses, the UK is on the verge of shaking up the entire construction landscape. At CyBe Construction, we’ve been involved in this building revolution for over ten years now. Leveraging our hundred-year legacy in the construction industry, we’re able to offer personally tailored construction solutions, enabling quicker, cheaper, and more sustainable building. Join CyBe in its journey to make affordable housing available to everyone and take your role at the forefront of the UK’s 3DCP revolution today!

Our 3D Concrete Printing Solutions in the UK
With our range of innovative 3D concrete printed solutions, CyBe Construction pledges to bring affordable construction to the UK. By offering Building as a Service (BaaS), we’re able to carefully analyze the problem at hand, supplying you with the most efficient solution for your construction project. Our BaaS approach is designed to manifest synergy between hardware, software, community, and consumables, enabling advantages for speed, cost, and sustainability. Our 3D concrete printing solutions can be applied in any industry: from 3D printed houses in the UK to infrastructure applications, we got you covered! With CyBe Construction as your local 3D printer supplier in the UK, you too can enjoy affordable construction through 3D concrete printing!
UK Contractors’ Choice
With our decade of experience in 3D concrete printing solutions and many successful partners in the country, CyBe Construction is the preferred choice for UK contractors. At the moment, we have three UK-based partners, focused on various applications of 3D concrete printing. Located in Birmingham, our associates at ChangeMaker 3D focus on using 3D concrete printing as a solution in diverse industries. Through their #Printfrastructure brand, one of our recent webinar topics, they bring sustainable and affordable 3D printing to roads, railworks, and water! A new face in the UK 3D concrete printing industry is Innocrete3D, not only making affordable building widely available but also serving as an official CyBe Reseller. This way, they promote the adoption of the cost-effective construction method in two different ways! Lastly, we’re also partnered with entities delving into the material aspect of 3D concrete printing: Versarien and their spin-off 2-DTECH. These sustainable innovators are working on Graphene material, offering even better eco-friendly properties. All our UK-based partners use the CyBe RC for their various projects. With its superior print speed and performance, high-quality print strength and adhesion, and exceptional mobility and range, the CyBe RC is among the most efficient 3D concrete printers in the world. Through offering our unique Building as a Service approach, we’ve been able to make all these companies thrive. Want to join this list of successful 3D concrete printing companies in the UK? Reach out to us today!
Buy a 3D Concrete Printer in the UK
Interested in joining the revolutionary breakthrough in the construction industry that is 3D concrete printing? We have 3D concrete printers for sale in the UK! We currently offer a diverse range of four printers, each uniquely equipped to tackle various tasks. In a personally tailored business case, we can help you select the ideal printer for the job at hand, to make sure that our solution is applied as effectively as possible. We also offer a printability analysis of your planned project, as well as a high-level cost estimate. Through our Building as a Service model, our partners receive help setting up the printer and comprehensive training, as well as ongoing support for any projects to come. This way, your success as a 3D concrete printer company is guaranteed! So if you’re looking to buy a 3D concrete printer in the UK, working with us as your local 3D printer supplier will lead you to success!
Want to learn more?
If you want to learn more about buying a 3D concrete printer in the UK, make sure to check out our website for more information about the technique. You can also try our weekly mailing series, offering knowledge on specific topics related to 3DCP. If you’ve still got questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via our contact form. Are you ready to become the next successful 3D concrete printing company in the UK?